Monday, June 18, 2012

When Muses Die

We buried a muse the other day
For a poet laid down his quill
He said he'd never write again
For he simply refused to feel

Muses came from miles around
To tell their friend goodbye
Inspiration was everywhere
You should have heard them cry

They buried him in a special place
Up on Inspiration Hill
Paper flowers covered his grave
His tombstone was his quill

No one knows where muses go
When poets refuse to write
Maybe they simply disappear
Or maybe follow the light

The next time you get your writer's block
And you're feeling empty inside
Your inspiration has gone to a funeral
For another muse has died

Coutesy of Whiskurz B

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Thousand Suns With No Light

Your hand prints all over my heart
Tears falling in broken parts
Shattered and broken I can't find the start
As I gaze at pieces of me fade away with dust in the wind
Every beginning has an end so this end finally begins
What becomes of a lonely heart on a lonely road
Screaming voices in me yearning to explode
Looking for another straying boat to board
Just to be forgotten again as I blend in the crowd
I am not lonely, I am not lonely, I am just empty
I am not sad, I am not sad, I am swimming in envy
I get out of my shell for anyone to see me plainly
But instead I become transparent and fading
I slowly retire to the silent corner of my room
Tears scratching my cheeks as i fold in my misery cocoon
There is a dark heavy storm invading my mind
Death biting his finger-nails relentlessly staring at time
Angels passed out from the celebration wine
Waiting for my hero who is stuck on the aisle
I am yearning to see stars in a sunny morning
I am wishing on a broken star to heal my broken heart
I am looking for a friend who wont alight at the next bend
I am just trying to find happiness in my depths of misery
Yes I am the silent smile in the familiar crowd
The loneliest among friends
I am the coin you didn't toss in the well
The one you believe can't make your wish come true
I am the sun that got lazy to rise
So it rained and I got cursed
I am surrounded with a thousand suns, with no light
I am surrounded with a thousand happy faces, with no smiles
I am surrounded with dozens of mannequin friends, yet all alive
Really, never mind my presence until the next time you are lonely 
♥ GG

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

The Gaining Lonliness

...we all are scared of being alone. One thing we miss to understand is that loneliness in us is created when we ignore finding time for ourselves. We wake up each morning with the thought of being happy around others, being happy with others and being happy because of others. WRONG. Learn to be content with just being yourself without attracting the vibe of happiness from others. We only become lonely when we cant stand sight of being on our own.

Don't be too scared of losing those in your life to the point you become scared of yourself. Those who matter most in your life they'll always be there and just because someone walks out of you it don't mean that you are bad or unable of maintaining friends, nope. God brings the right people in your life at the right time and so does He also take away people out of your life at a certain time for reasons best known to Him. Use the lonely time to grow and know yourself, cease bungee jumping in relationships. Sometimes it is good to fall and remain on the ground; it helps you to see the view from below.

You are what and where you are for a reason. Nothing is a coincidence and ALWAYS, ALWAYS remember you are never alone for God is with you. Well view it this way. When we were young, our parents always yearned to spend time with us and at times they'd take us away from our friends just so that they can be with us, so does God...He wants us for Him too, thus comes moments that He is forced to drive us to solitude so that we can be with Him too. It's as simple as that but we are always blinded and deceived that it is at that time that God has forsaken us.

Don't also forget that the enemy will also always bring the wrong people at the right time in our lives to keep us from what is meant for us.

Use solitude/loneliness to grow...~ ♥ GG

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