Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Lessons 101

Bible taught me that I'm never alone
Jesus taught me cry now laugh later
Athletes taught me sweat it to get it
Marie Curie taught me nothing in life is to be feared
Eminem taught me being different don't equate to being a unable
Marylin Monroe taught me company don't equate to happiness
Shrek taught me beauty isn't everything
Smallville taught me being unique isn't a curse but a gift
My dad taught me never give up hope as long as you are still alive
Joyce Meyer taught me when you go through hell it doesn't mean you are a mistake
My friends taught me don't get wasted where there is a camera
My teachers lied that life is hard yet they taught me things that don't help
Spartacus taught me find your reason for living and be willing to die for it
My neighbors taught me don't trust nobody
Tom and Jerry taught me animals keep the best company than humans
Johny Bravo taught me when you see a cute girl, fuck rejection go for her
Niccolo Machaivelli taught me destroy your ground for you to rise
Bob Marley taught me weed is the only thing that can separate reality from reality
Rihanna taught me people will always talk so just do you
William Sahkespeare taught me speak gibberish and people will think you are smart
Life taught me its a bitch but at least she is the sweetest...


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